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Sep 27, 2025

IMSTA FESTA | 레코드팩토리 | 11:00AM - 6:00PM

IMSTA(International Music Software Trade Association)에 참여하세요. 레코드팩토리에서 진행되는 IMSTA FESTA에는 패널 초청, 워크샵 & 마스터클래스, 곡 평가, 데모 세션 등 다양한 행사가 준비되어 있습니다. 업계 전문가들과 음악을 만드는 사람들이 서로 인맥을 쌓고 소통하며 서로의 노하우를 배울 수 있는 국내 최초의 기회를 놓치지 마시기 바랍니다. IMSTA FESTA는 음악 제작에 관심이 있다면 누구나 참가할 수 있는 무료 행사입니다. 프로페셔널, 세미프로, 작곡가, 프로듀서, 오디오 엔지니어는 물론, 음악 관련 강사와 학생도 참가하실 수 있습니다.

본 행사는 사전등록자에 한하여 무료입니다.

Join IMSTA (Intl. Music Software Trade Assoc.) and Record Factory as they host IMSTA FESTA, a celebration of music technology packed with Panels, Workshops & Master Classes, Song Critiques, Demonstrations and more. Hosting industry experts in an environment where music-makers can network, interact and learn with each other face-to-face, this annual one-day event is not to be missed. IMSTA FESTA is a FREE event open to everyone in the music making community; professional and semi-professional musicians, songwriters, music producers, and audio engineers, as well as music students and educators.

IMSTA FESTA는 음악을 만드는 사람이라면 누구나 참가할 수 있는 무료 행사입니다. 프로페셔널, 세미프로, 작곡가, 프로듀서, 오디오 엔지니어는 물론, 음악 관련 강사와 학생도 참가하실 수 있습니다.

주요 행사 :

  • 여러분이 즐겨 사용하는 브랜드의 다양한 제품을 자세히 소개하는 IMSTA Master Class에 참여하세요. 사전 신청이 필요하며, 무료로 진행됩니다.
  • 모든 참가 업체 부스를 돌아보며 직접 소프트웨어를 경험해보세요. 무료 소프트웨어 경품 행사도 진행됩니다.
  • IMSTA Panel Series에 참석해 업계 전문가와 교류하고 배우는 시간을 가져보세요.
  • 자신의 곡을 프로에게 들려주고 전문적인 평가를 들을 수 있습니다. 곡 평가는 2-5pm 사이에 진행됩니다.
  • 자신의 곡을 2018 Songwriting Competition에 응모해보세요. 대상을 선정해 그리스 산토리니에 있는 Black Rock Studio 방문 기회를 드립니다.

IMSTA FESTA is a FREE event open to everyone in the music making community; professional and semi-professional musicians, songwriters, music producers, and audio engineers, as well as music students and educators.

Event Highlights:

  • Register for a FREE class in the IMSTA Master Class Series featuring the most coveted products from your favorite companies.
  • Visit all of the exhibits to get hands-on experience and even win software!
  • Attend the IMSTA Panel Series with industry experts to network and learn.
  • Bring your Song in to have it reviewed by an expert who will provide you with a professional critique. Song Reviews between 2-5pm.
  • Enter your original song submission into our 2018 Songwriting Competition to win the opportunity to attend Black Rock Studio's in Santorini, Greece!

IMSTA FESTA 2018 SEOUL은 레코드팩토리에서 열립니다:

IMSTA FESTA Seoul will be taking place at:

Location Date Time

Record Factory Seoul
1451-84 Seocho Dong, Seocho Gu
Seoul, South Korea

June 23, 2018 11:00AM - 6:00PM

IMSTA FESTA에 참가하는 업체 중, 평소 좋아하던 브랜드와 친분을 다져보세요. 참가 업체 부스에서는 최신 버전의 소프트웨어 및 신제품을 시연하는 것은 물론, 참가자들이 직접 사용해보실 수도 있습니다.

참가 업체는 계속 추가될 예정입니다.

Get up close and personal with some of your favourite brands and music software companies at this year's IMSTA FESTA. Exhibitors will be bringing their latest software and products for our attendees to demo and try out.

More exhibitors to be announced.

IMSTA FESTA 2018 SEOUL에 참가하는 업체

참가 업체 Exhibitors: ((IMSTA FESTA 2018 SEOUL에 참가하는 업체))

스폰서 & 파트너 Sponsors & Partners:

Joe Hyung Ju - Relab

Joe Hyung Ju is a record producer, musician and composer with over 12 years’ experience in diverse fields. He graduated from London College of Music with a Master’s degree in Music Technology and his experience ranges from co-producing Han Dong Geun’s hit single “Amazing You”, musical directing and arranging DEAN’s live shows, and producing indie bands, to composing / musical directing for numerous performing arts and dance shows.

Seunghee Kang - Sonible

Mastering credits
40, 10cm, Soul Dive, Sunny Hill, Oltti, Ali, Danpyunsun and the Sailors, Julia Dream, Loopy, Boys In The Kitchen, Park Si Hwan, Fromm, Peterpan complex, Solbi, WJSN, Moon Moon, Taek, Shin Hae Gyeong, 비밀의 숲 OST, 직장의 신 OST, etc.

ANSR - Serato

ANSR is an artist who strive for experimental Techno Live Set on the dance floor. He is experiment and research on sounds by showcasing Live Set periodically on the underground Electronic Dance Music scene after being fascinated by electronic instruments such as the Synthesizer, Modular Synth, and Sampler. He worked for studio team of “RBMA Bass Camp Seoul 2017“. And also, he is a content creator of music gear & software review channel “GBG (Groove Box Guru)” on YouTube.

KxxHz - Celemony

Singer-songwriter and producer under the stage name of ‘PEARL:K’. (Kpop, Broadcasting music, Advertisement, Theatre and etc..) Currently, Electronic music producer & DJ ‘KxxHz’.

Hyun Jong Ko - Universal Audio

Hyun Jong Ko is a sound engineer from Kokosound. He have worked with many artists (BtoB, GFriends, etc.) and TV shows such as WannaOne go, Show me the money, Begin Again, Highschool Rappers, etc. In this masterclass, you will have opportunity to learn how to use UAD Plug-ins in a real world.

Byungryul Lee - Sugar-Bytes

Byungryul Lee (a.k.a Mute ) is R&B Producer, Sound Designer and Music Composer for Film and TV. He is Currently an Instructor at the Record Factory Seoul and visiting Professor at Hoseo University Discography : Nieah Co-Producing R&B Musician Nieah EP “ Timeless” , AUI Sound Design Samsung Galaxy Series, Co-write and arrange many of the songs heard in the movie like “작전”, 방자전, and MBC drama 네조의 여왕, 역적

Heechan Lee - Ableton

Heechan Lee (aka Tama Rhodes) is a electronic musician, producer and live performer born in Korea. He began playing drums and keyboard, and programming music, in 1995. He has been in many bands with various genres and currently produces electronic music. His main works include music for broadcast, advertising and video games in South Korea and Japan.


WYM (pronounced as Wim) is an one-man electronic act. WYM’s debut album, "After Moon" was released in Oct. 2014 and the album was nominated for 2015 Korean Music Award’s Best Electronic / Dance Album. In 2015, WYM was invited to Culture Collide festival in LA and San Fransisco and in 2016, he was invited as official showcase artist for SXSW 2016. He is now working on second LP and an active synth artist performing with modular synthesizer, while working as a producer for other colleague artists.

Euncheol Lee - FabFilter

Euncheol.LEE is a musician and producer (aka L.E.C). He has worked extensively as a TV commercial composer. He worked as a mobile sound designer for Samsung Electronics. (Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab.)

Yong Il Cho - AVID

IMSTA Festa Seoul에서 Avid Master Class를 진행하게 될 Avid 조용일 스페셜리스트는 APAC 소속 Audio팀의 Specialist로 오랜시간 Avid와 함께 하고 있으며, 아시아 지역에서 진행되는 각종 전시회, 세미나 및 이벤트에서
뮤직 및 포스트 프로덕션, 방송 및 영화 외에도 라이브 사운드 분야에 관련된 Avid 오디오 제품에 대한 소개, 프리젠테이션, 데모 시연 및 시스템 구성 컨설턴트 등의 업무를 담당하고 있습니다.


Dasol is a singer-songwriter and producer in various genres. (Pop, Electronic, R&B, Ballad).
She released the Mini Album 'Scene' in 2016 and participated in the album of DJ Hanmin, G-Masta, Lovesong, Ilwoong, FIC by arrangement, song, etc.

Dae-Un Kim - ANTARES

Dae-Un Kim ( a.k.a 9Hz ) is a Producer, Electronic Musician, Composer and Mixer. He studied in Japan, and he is one of Lydian band members. Also he mixes songs of various artists.


Demicat is an electronic music producer / dj from Seoul, Korea. He creates a variety of beats and tunes based on his broad musical understanding. Recently he mainly produces hip hop, trap, dub step, future bass, etc. His latest ep "OREDOROK" and single "Levitation" were well received for his musical identity.


JINKI SON(aka Arbiiter) is a musican and producer. He has worked as a music composer for TV shows (TVN 촉촉한 오빠들, KBS2 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다, etc), commercial music(Harim, Hotel Trivago), and also worked with several musicians(Kang Kyun-Sung of Noel, 소심한오빠들, etc) for arrangement, mixing, mastering. He's also a keyboardist and songwriter of band "Momentale".

Sang Yeon Kim - IMAGE LINE

St. Emilio is a credited EDM producer who arranged various popular K-POP songs from artists like B.A.P, Boys24, and Supernova and also worked with artists such as Steve Wu and DJ Hanmin, remixing their songs. In 2018, he produced and arranged DJ Ginjo's You feat. Angel, which is SM Station's 51st track. St. Emilio is currently an administrator at Korea music community "Let's FL" and is also active as a Korean EDM producer. St. Emilio teaches EDM producing lessons at Seoul Jazz Academy.

Register below (SOON) for a FREE class in the IMSTA Master Class Series featuring the most coveted products from your favorite companies.

2:00PM 3:00PM 4:00PM
Avid Pro Tools
Yong Il Cho

안녕하세요, IMSTA Festa Seoul 에서 Avid Pro Tools Master Class를 진행하게 될 조용일 스페셜리스트 입니다. 이번에 진행될 Avid Master Class의 주제는 Pro Tools Cloud Collaboration을 활용한 전세계 오디오 작업자와의 협업으로, Pro Tools Cloud 환경에서 가능한 해외 또는 국내 작업자 간의 협업 작업 방식에 대한 소개 및 아티스트 커뮤니티를 활용한 개인 작품 홍보, 협업하고 싶은 아티스트 검색 및 연결에 관한 내용으로 진행 될 에정입니다.

Stefan Lindlahr

이 워크샵에서 Melodyne 제품 전문가 인 Stefan Lindlahr은 Melodyne 사용에 대한 귀중한 노하우를 공유 할 것입니다. 이 60 분짜리 마스터 클래스는 일상적인 스튜디오 생활에서 가져온 구체적인 상황을 다루며 일반적으로 발생하는 문제를 인식하고 해결하는 방법에 대한 명확한 안내를 제공합니다. Melodyne의 음악 공연은 어떻게 음악적으로 평가할 수 있습니까? 어떻게 개입해야할지, 어디를 개설 할지를 어떻게 결정합니까? 얼마나 대단한가? 이 질문은 최적의 워크 플로우와 함께 음악 편집에 대한 유용한 팁과 함께 실용적인 예제 및 제안을 통해 답변됩니다.

In this workshop, Melodyne product specialist Stefan Lindlahr will be sharing valuable know-how on the use of Melodyne. This 60-minute masterclass deals with concrete situations drawn from day-to-day studio life and offers clear guidance on how to recognize and solve commonly encountered problems: How can Melodyne's display of a musical performance help me assess it musically? How do I decide where to intervene and where not? And how drastically? These questions are answered with the help of practical examples and suggestions offered regarding optimal workflow along with invaluable tips on musical editing.

Native Instruments
Daejin Hong (Piah) / 홍대진

음악 프로듀서 홍대진(Piah)입니다. 2000년도 초반부터 작곡 편곡자로 활동을 시작하여 2012년부터는 드라마 음악과 방송음악, 게임음악 작업을 하였습니다. 2014에는 영국 런던 Kingston대학에서 영화 방송음악으로 석사학위를 받았습니다. 2017년 부터는 중국 베이징에서 활동중입니다. 다음달 시작되는 Voice of China 에서 다수의 곡을 편곡하였습니다. 또한 Komplete Ultimate 11의 신제품 발표와 Maschine Mk3, Komplete Kontrol의 리뷰를 담당하였습니다. 이 워크샵에서는 Native Instrument의 Maschine 2 를 중심으로 EDM 작업시 효율적인 워크플로어를 소개합니다. 리듬 파트 부터 시작하여 한곡을 완성 시키는 과정을 통해 Maschine 2의 직관적인 기능들이 어떻게 음악적으로 활용되는지아울러 Komplete Ultimate 11 에 포함된 다양한 악기들의 사용팁을 공유합니다.

Music producer Hong-dae Jin (Piah), he has been working as composer and arranger since early of 2000. From 2012, he has worked on drama, broadcasting, and game music. In 2014, he received his master's degree in film and broadcast music at Kingston University in London, UK. Since 2017, he moved to Beijing / China and arranged a number of songs on popular TV show named 'Voice of China' For Native Instruments, he officially reviewed various 'Komplete ultimate 11', Maschine MK2, and Komplete Kontrol keyboard in Korea. In this workshop, making EDM Music & effective Workflow with Maschine 2 software. Starting with the rhythm part, we share the tips of using various instruments included in Komplete Ultimate 11 as well as how the intuitive functions of Maschine 2 are utilized musically by completing a song.

Universal Audio
Hyun Jong Ko / 고현정

안녕하세요. Kokosound 고현정 엔지니어입니다. 워너원고, 쇼미더머니, 비긴어게인, 고등래퍼, 비투비, 여자친구 등 여러 뮤지션들과 작업을 담당하였습니다. 이번 IMSTA FESTA의 Universal Audio Masterc에서 UAD의 실전 적용법에 대해 교류하는 좋은 시간이 되길 바랍니다.

Hyun Jong Ko is a sound engineer from Kokosound. He have worked with many artists (BtoB, GFriends, etc.) and TV shows such as WannaOne go, Show me the money, Begin Again, Highschool Rappers, etc. In this masterclass, you will have opportunity to learn how to use UAD Plug-ins in a real world.

Heechan Lee (aka Tama Rhodes) / 이희찬

이희찬(aka Tama Rhodes)는 일렉트로닉 뮤지션, 프로듀서, 라이브 퍼포머입니다. 1995년부터 드럼과 키보드를 연주하며 음악 프로그래밍을 시작했습니다. 다양한 장르의 밴드 활동을 거치며, 현재는 일렉트로닉 음악을 하고 있습니다. 주로 한국과 일본에서 방송, 광고, 게임 음악을 담당하고 있습니다.
오랜 음악 커리어를 통해서 다양한 스타일의 음악을 만들었고, 지금은 다운템포, 라운지, 디스코, 하우스 위주의 일렉트로닉 음악을 하고 있습니다.
특히 Ableton과 신디사이저를 활용한 독특한 라이브 퍼포먼스로 이름을 알렸으며, 그에 관한 다큐멘터리도 TV를 통해 방송되기도 했습니다. 현재 Ableton의 Certified Trainer로 활동 중입니다.

Heechan Lee (aka Tama Rhodes) is a electronic musician, producer and live performer born in Korea. He began playing drums and keyboard, and programming music, in 1995. He has been in many bands with various genres and currently produces electronic music. His main works include music for broadcast, advertising and video games in South Korea and Japan.
He has worked with various styles of music over his long career and currently produces electronic music focused on downtempo, lounge, disco and house.
He was noted for his unique live performance with Ableton and synthesizers, and a documentary about him was aired on the TV program. He is Ableton Certified Trainer.

IMSTA FESTA Panel Series

IMSTA is proud to host another exciting panel series during IMSTA FESTA featuring industry leaders and their fresh perspectives on music production. We are bringing together the best minds, innovators and companies in the business of music and audio for this 1-day networking event.

Click to see more & register for an event today!

Junoh Lee, also known as Casker, is a music producer and film music director. Casker debuted in 2003 with 1st album “철갑혹성”, and released 7 albums, 1 EP, and numerous singles. Casker's first solo album, “Juuno - shift” was released in 2014. As Music Producer, Casker continually writes for TV drama, commercials, and K-Pop. As a Flim Music Director, some of his work includes, The terror live, PD Report, The Phone, One-Line, Little Forest.

이준오 | Casker (캐스커)의 멤버, 음악 프로듀서, 영화 음악 감독 2003년 Casker의 첫 번째 앨범 ‘철갑혹성’으로 데뷔 이후 7장의 정규 앨범과 1장의 EP, 다수의 싱글을 발표 2014년 솔로앨범 Juuno - shift 발표 다수의 드라마, 광고 음악 및 가요 작곡/프로듀싱 영화 더 테러 라이브(2013), 제보자(2014), 더 폰(2015), 원라인(2017), 리틀포레스트(2018) 등의 음악 감독



Hwang Hyun is an Chief Producer of Monotree, a producing & publishing company. Hwang is currently working with TVXQ, Girls’ Generation, Shinee, Red Velvet, Misia, Chemitry, Ladies' code, LOOΠΔ, ONF, and more! See Hwang at IMSTA FESTA!

황현 프로듀싱 및 퍼블리싱 회사 “모노트리”의 대표 프로듀서 동방신기, 소녀시대, 샤이니, 레드벨벳, Misia, Chemistry, 레이디스코드, 이달의 소녀, 온앤오프 등 K-Pop 작곡 및 프로듀싱 중 Hwang Hyun 황현 Credits include: 샤이니 - 방백 (Aside), f(x) - 좋아해도 되나요(Is it OK?), 동방신기(TVXQ) - How are you, 스텔라(Stellar) - 떨려요(Vibrato), 슈퍼주니어(Super Junior) - 환절기(Mid Season), 레드벨벳(Red Velvet) - My dear, 소녀시대(Girls' Generation) - 어떤 오후 (One Afternoon) 이달의 소녀 1/3 (LOOΠΔ 1/3)- 지금 좋아해 (Love & Live).

G-HIGH is a producer of a producing & publishing company named “Monotree”.
Debuted in 2008 with KARA’s 2nd Mini Album “Secretly, secretly” (Composing & Arrangement)
BJJ Music Director (2008~2010)
Founder & Director of Monotree

K-POP 프로듀싱 및 퍼블리싱 레이블 모노트리의 대표 프로듀서
2008년, 카라 2nd Mini Album “몰래몰래” 작곡 및 편곡으로 데뷔
BJJ Music 이사 겸임 (2008~2010)
주식회사 MonoTree 설립자 및 이사로 재직중



Overview: Regional winner chosen to challenge for FREE trip to Santorini!



Songs are Reviewed by qualified industry songwriting and production team who will carefully listen to your song and give professional industry feedback. All you need is your song on your phone or music player and our experts will do the rest.

During the Song Reviews 'Wild Cards' can be decided. A Wild Card is a song that stands apart and is exceptional.

Jimin Park / A&R team leader of Fluxus Music
Jessica Oak / Billboard US Editor