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IMSTA Survey Results 2017

There is very little information about piracy. Although everyone acknowledges that piracy is a huge problem, it is a problem that is difficult to address in the absence of any absolute quantitative or qualitative data. Since 2008, IMSTA has tried to get a better picture of the public's attitude and feelings towards piracy by conducting the "Let's Talk Piracy" survey. We have run this survey each year since then asking the same questions and offering the same array of answers. Here are the results and trends as seen since 2008.

1. What is your age group?

What is your age group?
17 & Under:2%

2. Which music software user types best describe you?

Which music software user types best describe you? (Please choose as many options as you need for the most accurate description)
Music Producer:55%
Home Studio Operator:37%
Mixing Engineer:30%
Semi Professional:30%
Audio Engineer:29%
Sound Engineer:24%
Mastering Engineer:16%
Live SOund Engineer:8%
Commercial Recording Studio Operator:4%

3. I have been using music software products for?

I have been using music software products for:
Less than 1 Year:2%
1-3 Years:7%
3-5 Years:9%
5+ Years:17%
10+ Years:66%

4. Which software copy protection methods do you prefer?

Which software copy protection methods do you prefer? (You may choose more than one)
Virtual Dongle:28%
Serial Number:72%
Hardware Dongle:32%
Challenge Response:20%

5. Have you ever used unlicensed music software?

Have you ever used unlicensed music software?
I prefer not to answer:5%

6. Do you currently use unlicensed music software?

Do you currently use unlicensed music software??
I prefer not to answer:2%

7. In your opinion, why do some people use pirated music software?

In your opinion, why do some people use pirated music software? (You may choose more than one)
They want to try before they buy:51%
They do not want to pay for it even if they could afford it.47%
They cannot afford to buy the authorized version:73%
Other (Please Specify):19%

8. Please choose the statement that you most agree with:

Please choose the statement that you most agree with:
It is wrong to use pirated music software:75%
It is OK to occasionally use pirated music software:21%
It is completely OK to use pirated music software:3%

9. Using pirated music software is the same as using a stolen physical product such as a microphone:

Using pirated music software is the same as using a stolen physical product such as a microphone:
Strongly Disagree:11%
Strongly Agree:29%

10. It is OK to steal a microphone if you cannot afford to buy it?

It is OK to steal a microphone if you cannot afford to buy it:
Strongly Disagree:72%
Strongly Agree:2%

11. It is OK to use pirated music software if you cannot afford to buy it?

It is OK to use pirated music software if you cannot afford to buy it?
Strongly Disagree:34%
Strongly Agree:4%

12. It is OK to use pirated music software only if you buy the same product after you try it?

It is OK to use pirated music software only if you buy the same product after you try it.
Strongly Disagree:16%
Strongly Agree:9%

13. It is OK to share legitimately purchased and installed music software with friends and colleagues?

It is OK to share legitimately purchased and installed music software with friends and colleagues?
Strongly Disagree:24%
Strongly Agree:5%

14. It is OK to copy music CDs and share them with friends, or make the mp3 files available on the internet for everyone to share?

It is OK to copy music CDs and share them with friends, or make the mp3 files available on the internet for everyone to share
Strongly Disagree:31%
Strongly Agree:4%

15. If a person cannot afford to buy the desired music software, he/she should:

If a person cannot afford to buy the desired music software, he/she should: (You may choose more than one):
Find the cracked version of the software:8%
Borrow it from a friend:19%
Buy a more affordable product:64%
Wait til they can afford it:65%
Use a cracked version till they can afford it:27%

16. How do the cracked versions of music software compare to the authorized versions?

How do the cracked versions of music software compare to the authorized versions:
Cracked versions are of inferior quality:32%
Cracked versions are better:3%
I do not know:40%
There is very little difference:19%
There is no difference:6%

17. After the release of a music software program, how long does it take for a cracked version to become available?

After the release of a music software program, how long does it take for a cracked version to become available:
Very slow:1%
Fairly slow:4%
I do not know:69%
Fairly quick:15%
Very quick:9%
Before it is released:1%

18. How does piracy impact the music software companies?

How does piracy impact the music software companies:
Could force them out of business:41%
Layoff employees:16%
Will feel the impact but survive:30%
Very little impact:11%
No impact:2%

19. Which one of the following statements do you agree with?

Which one of the following statements do you agree with:
I like IMSTA's educational approach:46%
Only legal action will work:7%
A combination of education/enforcement works best:41%
I believe neither education nor enforcement will work:21%