The International Music Software Trade Association (IMSTA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to representing the interests of the music software community through a variety of educational and empowering initiatives. IMSTA members include music software manufacturers, distributors, retailers, as well as media outlets and other industry organizations.


The International Music Software Trade Association (IMSTA) represents and advocates for the music software community. We encourage innovation, support growth, and promote ethical software use by uniting software developers and software users.


We envision a music software community in which creativity thrives and ethical software use is second nature to our customers.

Strategic Goals:

  • Advocate for Ethical Use of Software – Raise awareness through education and spread the message,
    "Buy the Software You Use" to encourage fair compensation and ethical practices among music software users worldwide.
  • Safeguard the Future of the Music Software Community – Ensure that our efforts contribute to the long-term health and
    growth of the music software industry, so that our members thrive, and our consumers enjoy upgrades, tech support,
    and new products for years to come.
  • Represent and Promote Members – Offer opportunities for collective marketing that give members a voice in key markets
    across the globe, amplifying their reach in a cost-effective way.
  • Facilitate Education & Skill Development – Provide valuable resources to help software users grow their skills. These include
    events, tutorials, certifications, and mentorship programs, so they can make the most of the technology available to them.
  • Influence Policy & Standards – Partner with policymakers and industry organizations to help shape regulations and best
    practices that benefit everyone in the music software ecosystem.