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Music China 中国(上海)国际乐器展览会

上海国际乐器展会 Music China 自 2002年创办。它汇聚国内外知名品牌和商家,为中国乐器走向世界、世界同行了解中国搭建了良好平台。参展企业和展示产品基本涵盖了行业全貌,从产品设计制造到音乐教学培训,展商和观众都可以获取最新行业资讯、找到商业伙伴。展会坚持走国际化、专业化的发展道路,推动产品技术升级、行业创新发展、产业能级提升,日益成为海外买家采购产品、国内乐器走出国门的首选。

免费】2019年 9月 16日前于网上预注册则可免入场费用。
30元】2019年 9月 16日 至 10月 6日,入场费用为 30元。
50元】2019年 10月 10日 至 13日,入场费用为 50元。

Shanghai International Musical Instrument Exhibition Music China was founded in 2002. It brings well-known brands and merchants in China and abroad together, and has built a good platform for Chinese musical instruments to go to the world. Exhibitors and display products almost cover the entire industry. From product design and manufacturing to music teaching and training, exhibitors and visitors can get the latest industry information and find business partners. The exhibition adheres to the internationalization and professional development path, promotes product technology upgrade, industry innovation and development, and upgrades the industry level. It has increasingly become the first choice for domestic buyers to go abroad.

Admission fee:
FREE admission by online pre-registration before 16 Sep, 2019
RMB30 for registration between 16 Sep to 6 Oct, 2019
RMB50 for onsite ticketing between 10 - 13 Oct, 2019


Music China 不单是亚洲最大规模的乐器产业盛会,更是一个集展示、商贸、创新、音乐文化交流于一体的多元平台,助您发掘源源商机,成为乐器行业的领跑者,让您的乐器品牌更上一层楼。


  • 注册免费加入 IMSTA 音乐大师系列班,享受您挚爱的公司最令人心动的产品。
  • 访问所有展品,获得实践经验甚至赢取软件!
  • 与行业专家一起参加 MUSIC CHINA,增加人脉并学习。

Music China is not only the largest instrument industry event in Asia, but also a multi-platform platform integrating display, trade, innovation, music and cultural exchanges, helping you to explore the source business opportunities and become the leader in the musical instrument industry. The musical instrument brand has taken it to the next level.

Event Highlights:

  • Register for a FREE class in the IMSTA Master Class Series featuring the most coveted products from your favorite companies.
  • Visit all of the exhibits to get hands-on experience and even win software!
  • Attend the MUSIC CHINA with industry experts to network and learn.

2019 MUSIC CHINA 将于以下地址进行:

MUSIC CHINA 2019 will be taking place at:

地址 | Location 日期 | Date 时间 | Time

Shanghai New International Expo Centre
Century Park, Pudong, Shanghai

October 10 - 13, 2019
(Oct.12-13 公众开放日 | Public)
Oct 10 - 12 | 9:30am - 17:00pm
Oct 13 | 9:30am - 15:30pm


"One of the most influential musical instrument exhibitions in the world"

09月 15日前预登记可享免费入场!

FREE Admission for Pre-registration before September 15!
入场费用 | Admission Fee 起始日期 | Start Date 截止日期 | End Date
免费 | FREE 今日起 | Starts today 09月 16日 | Sep. 16
30元 | RMB30 09月 16日 | Sep. 16 10月 06日 | Oct. 06
50元 | RMB50 10月 10日 | Oct. 10 10月 13日 | Oct. 13

方法一 | Method 1:


> Pre-registration & tickets:

> 官网预登记及购票通道:

点击 “观众快速通道” → 使用手机号码进行注册 → 填写基本信息 → 填写调查问卷 → 获取确认函 → 预登记成功

方法二 | Method 2:

> 微信预登记及购票通道:

关注官方微信 “上海国际乐器展”

下拉菜单 “我要参观” → 填写基本信息 → 填写调查问卷 → 预登记成功

特别提醒 | Special Reminders:

1、 10月10-11日仅限专业观众,公众凭预登记/购票信息于10月12-13日入场参观。
3、 公众参观日儿童入场需由家长陪护,并填写《家长承诺书》。
4、 参观证仅限本人使用,不得转让、出售,门票一经售出,不予退票和转让。
5、 主办单位保留最终解释权。

1. October 10th-11th is only for professional visitors. The public will enter the venue on October 12th-13th with pre-registration/purchasing information.
2. October 12th-13th, the elderly over 70 years old (with ID card or old card), children under 1.2 meters, disabled (with disability certificate) free admission.
3. On the public visit day, children must be accompanied by parents and fill out the Parental Commitment.
4. The visitor's card is for the use of the person only, and may not be transferred or sold. Once the ticket is sold, no refund or transfer will be made.
5. The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation.

2018 Music China

更多 | More

在今年举办的 IMSTA FESTA 活动上,与您最喜爱的品牌和音乐软件公司亲密接触。参展商将为我们的参展者带来他们最新软件及产品的精彩演示和试用。

Get up close and personal with some of your favourite brands and music software companies at this year's IMSTA FESTA. Exhibitors will be bringing their latest software and products for our attendees to demo and try out.

More exhibitors to be announced.

参展商 | EXHIBITORS: (活动展览 | Exhibit at IMSTA FESTA)

Music China 与星空联盟合作伙伴中国国际航空公司,为您计划前往 2019 Music China 提供机票特惠活动!

Music China has joined forced with Star Alliance partner Air China to offer a special discount coupon for you as you plan your trip to Music China 2019!



Contact for the promotion code and book online now